Thursday, November 29, 2012

Remember the Rug?

Remember a while back when I excited announced that I had bought a rug? Remember when I said I would post before and after pictures?

Yes, that was a while ago, wasn't it?

Well, here is how things looked before the pillows that inspired the rug purchase:

And now...

See how the rug and pillows match the couch and the walls and those two chairs over there? It's like magic.

Why yes, that is a new coffee table. More details later!

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Log Love

Do you remember when I told you about that thing I do, when I discover something I have been missing out on for a while? How I tend to go overboard, a la my maple flavored everything?

Well, this is that... house style. I'm suddenly obsessed with log cabins.

A few weeks ago, the Mr. and I were looking at a house that didn't quite fit our parameters and our real estate agent asked, "how do you feel about log cabins?" Both us admitted we had never really given it much thought before, so she agreed to send me the link for the cabin she had in mind. 

I checked it out and decided that I am totally in love with log cabins... they are awesome. 
Here is why they really fit the bill:

1. They generally tend to be in the middle of no-where, far back off the road.
2. They have a warm rustic look and feel that says, "I am not just 4 walls"
3. (still related to #2) There is nothing cookie-cutter about them
4. (also kinda related to #2) They "feel" like something. To me, a farmhouse feels like spring - a log cabin feels like a cozy winter by the fireside.
5. The cabin shown above is a. the right price, b. has a ton of land and c. has some non-log walls inside.

So here are some additional photos of the cabin above that I have started to obsess over.

So... yeah, it's pretty outdated. BUT if you didn't know... that's exactly the kind of thing Dan was hoping for. Also, yes, I can totally see that it is a TON of wood in that master. And it is totally possible that I would get real sick of all the wood. 

Pinterest to the rescue:

While I think part of the charm of a log cabin is the actual logs, I do think it could be overwhelming, and white washing a few walls or painting an accent wall could really lighten things up, don't you think?

And, as you may have noticed, there aren't any wood floors. So there is the option to put in very pale wood floors or lighter carpets to keep things from being too dark.

Don't like that cabin? Here's another one to consider:

We expect to check out both options next week, so stayed tuned!

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Pottery Painting

I've gotten some angry comments lately about my lack of blog posts.

It's been a wild ride the last few weeks, but I did manage to squeeze in a crafty day with my mother-in-law Diana. We painted our own pottery. Check this out.

And.... the finished product all glazed up. It's amazing how the colors were changed by the heat and the glaze while cooking in the kiln.