Monday, September 20, 2010

Tin Can Lantern Done Right!

Utter (ugly) Failure.
After my initial failure with the tin can lantern I was determined to get it right. I spoke with my boss from my real-life job about this experiment. Being the crafty girl that she is, she knew exactly what I was doing wrong. So she gave me this great little tip: add water and sub-zero temperatures. Viola! By having ice inside the can, the force being directed to the tin is stopped abruptly rather than absorbed around the cyclical opening. The energy I was putting into hammering down (with the wrong tool mind you) was going all over instead of stopping. Boy, Dan would do a much better job of explaining this than me - he could probably draw a diagram and show you the right equation.

I digress. The point is: ice makes this way easier - so, a tutorial:

1. Hoard tin cans - check with your Grandmother. I don't know about yours, but mine loves to pack things in her basement: tin cans, glass jars, pinecones... (You know I love you Gramma, but it's true).

Trial #2 - on ice.
2. Clean out tin cans and dry promptly (one of mine rusted out from neglect)

3. Fill cans with water and wait for ice to happen (in the freezer, of course)

4. Get out a hammer and nail and bang away. It helps if you start at the bottom because as you get towards the top the ice starts to chip away. Also, Have a few cans in the freezer at a time. The ice will start to melt around the edges, so pop that can back in the freezer and pull the next out.

5. Melt Ice with hot water You'll want to see the results immediately due to the pain in your neck from staring down at the can. It will be well worth the pain.

6. Light a candle on the inside and admire. Say "I told you it would work" to fiance for doubting the light would shine through such tiny holes.

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