Tuesday, January 24, 2012

My House Goals 2012

Do any of you read Nesting Place? It's a cute little blog that I like mainly for one reason: the tagline.  "It doesn't have to be perfect to be beautiful" what a thought? What a genius thought? I really like that this blog encourages all of us to take comfort in our homes even though they don't always look like the pages of a Pottery Barn magazine. This is especially important for me to remember, as I try so hard to make our place something that it isn't.

Please accept my apologies in advance today, I've been sick for a month and I was just on vacation so my writing may not be as smoothly flowing as usual. Yah, I know that doesn't sound like a real sentence.

Anyway, as I mentioned before, the Mr. and I live in a duplex. We've been here for a little over three years now and have done a tremendous amount of work trying to make the place beautiful, but in the right context. You see, in a duplex, you have to be logical about your renovations because you don't assume the same kind of resale value that you would in a single family. For example, we didn't put granite counter tops in our kitchen because no investor is going to pay the extra bucks for a place with granite that will get ruined by tenants immediately. Similarly, we have gorgeous hardwood floors in our half, but we're not going to re-finish them because an investor would just count them as a liability, not as asset. See what I'm saying? In all of our reno's, we have had to keep things below a certain level.

I'm rambling.

My point is, I realize that in this house, I can't have everything I want. In certain ways, I feel like that knowledge has limited me from decorating the way I really would like to. Combining the notion of living in a duplex with the thought that we could move at any given moment, and you have what I would like to call "unpersonalized living". So that brings me to the point of this post: my house goals, 2012. Nesting Place offered a link party a few weeks back and suggested that people share the goals for their house this year. So even though I am a bit late, I thought it might do me some good to declare (publicly) what I'd like to do for the the old homestead in 2012.

You read my blog, so you know me. You know I love my dogs probably a little too much. But if you walked through my house, you couldn't tell. Not that there isn't paw marks all over everything, but I don't have a single puppy photo posted anywhere. Can you believe it? There is nothing in our entire house that proves that we live there. It's awful.

So in 2012, I have one very simple goal for our house: make it personal. Wow, I can't believe it took me nearly 5 paragraphs to get to that, good God! Sorry about the constant rambling! Anyway, I want to prove that I'm already on my way to personalizing, and here is how.

This is a picture of a painting of a picture of me, hugging a snowman in my Gramma's front yard. Isn't it amazing? The talent in this family is wildly out of control, I tell you! I wish I had the picture to show you just how lifelike this painting is. My Grandmother painted this for a me a while back, and I have had it in my craft room to give me motivation to actually do things (other than make a mess). But I decided that it's coming down to the main level to greet people as part of a personalized wall I plan on attempting in our mudroom.  This wall to be exact:

Well, the Christmas decorations are gone, so technically there is more wall space than you see here. Anyway, I brought my lovely little canvas of myself to JoAnn's to be framed yesterday, so when it comes back, it's going up on the new personalized wall! 

I do have more plans for the room, including actually putting some kind of curtain on that window, as well as re-painting the room. I like the yellow, but I did a really crappy job when I painted it the first time. You can see brush strokes and everything, so it will hopefully get changed this year. That's actually a funny story. Here is the jist of it: I didn't like the color while I was painting and I got mad at the Mr. for something, so I did a bad job on purpose hoping that it would motivate him to repaint it quickly.

Well, it's been 3 years.

Anyway, I know I've gone on and on long enough, so I'll stop. Do you have goals for 2012? Are they overly ambitious, or are they super ambiguous so that if you do nothing other than put up a few pictures of your dogs during 2012, you can look back and say "goal accomplished!"?

Not that I would do that...

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