Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Going Grey

February has been the craziest month in the history of months. Both the Mr. and I traveled separately for work, and together for a wedding. We also did a ton of work next door in the apartment... which is still un-rented (long, angry story). I also managed to get some work done over here, thanks to a little Birthday present from my Mom. 

Evening Shadow.

The ghost room is now painted "Evening Shadow" do you like it?

And the daybed is almost finished. I returned the Pottery Barn glorified fitted sheet and got this down blanket and duvet at Ikea. I'm not wild about it, but it will do for the time being. The colors still need ironing out (a bit monotone right now) but it's looking pretty good. And if I waited until I was done to show you, you would never see anything. So then, here's some progress in the ghost room.

looking in from the living room

This is the wall that I would like to cover with built-in book shelves painted white - perhaps a bench under the window

view looking back into the living room (which now appears to need paint)

some of the beach paintings I'm collecting

this was a gift from the MIL, the man receiving treatment next to her at the hospital painted it.

the chair I cained and the blankets I made for the wedding. 

hideous 1980's ceiling fan... told you it was still in progress
This is my favorite painting in the room - it was a gift from my Grandmother for my shower. She did it on a picnic basket so that I could use it in a place other than on a wall.

Another ocean painting - found at Goodwill. I love how it's beat up a little.

So what do you think about the grey? And the daybed? It's really starting to come along, and it makes me look forward to the "built-ins" which obviously, won't actually be built in. Then, I will have my very own unofficial library. 

Now if only I had time to read.

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