Monday, November 28, 2011

30 Days: What was I thinking?

I'm not exactly sure what I planned to accomplish with 30 days of crafts...

Maybe I thought it would be a good way to draw people in? Yah, and then what? I get sponsored and make blogging my life?

Well, that's not going to happen, and even if it did, I don't have time to make blogging my life because I have a regular job that actually pays bills. So then, for you loyal readers i.e. Mom and Amy, I am going to return to my regularly scheduled blogging.

Here is why:

1. Today I had 106 unread blogs sitting in my reader. Do you know what 99% of them were? USELESS. They plug their sponsors too much or talk about things that I really don't care about (like parenting or going to Disney).
2. All of those bloggers who get paid to do it are stay-at-home Moms. Though I'd like to stay at home, I can't... I have Verizon wireless bills to pay.
3. No one actually makes the stuff they see on the blogs. I mean seriously... I must have viewed a million blog postings and only ever copied like 10 things. Most of the time I don't even read the directions... it's not in my nature to follow directions, so I shouldn't be giving them either.
4. When you force yourself to craft, it's not fun at all.
5. Everyone wants eye-candy, so I'll give it to you when I have it, but I'm not going to force boring things on you.
6. There are like 9 million dishes in my sink. How is that even possible?
7. I like my fix-it-up projects more than I like making something from nothing... and 30 days wasnt all about fixing.
8. I spent a large part of my $100 budget at target today buying festive pillows and ornaments... also i bought another cardigan, because clearly, I don't have enough.
9. Christmas gets ruined enough by Dan being the world's biggest scrooge (Why do we have to set up decorations? Excuse me, we...?) I don't need to ruin it more by forcing myself to make crafty things.
10. Sometimes, you go to work on Monday after a long weekend and the world just gives you negativity. And it makes you mad and annoyed by lots of things, including your own outlandish ideas to blog all the time.

So then, there you have. 30 days are over. I'll be doing things and I'll post them when I can, but let's be serious, who was I kidding?


  1. You go girl! Blog at your leisure...and I'm sure it will be fabulous, just like everything else you do! -Your OTHER loyal reader :)

  2. Don't worry about it! You made some amazing crafts and I'd love to just check them out, even if they're not 30 days in a row!
